Computer Vision Services

We can help you improve your business productivity by extracting data from images & video frames. Our Computer Vision experts can help build custom solutions for your specific needs.

Image Classification

We can build a Image classification model which will classify images into different categories. These deep learning classification models will be very close in accuracy to a human. Send us your requirement today to know more by clicking here

Face Detection and Recognition

Facial recognition is being used to authenticate & recognize individuals in the range of real time business applications like attendance management, access control, biometric security, understand emotions.

You can also use Facial recognition systems to identify & recognize your VIP customers so that you can boost your customer service levels.

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Object Detection

Conventional Neural Networks can be trained to detect & locate multiple objects in a given image or video frame.

Multi object detection can be a awesome tool for ecommerce businesses which can detect & classify different objects in a image.  This technology can be used to enhance customer experience in retail, manufacturing, logistics & much more.

OCR & Data Capturing

Automate manual & repetitive tasks. We can build models which automatically detect & extract data from unstructured documents cutting down on manual human efforts. Imagine the efficiencies in terms of faster processing time & increased accuracy, making you focus on your core business.

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Image Segmentation

Image segmentation is a process where a image is split into individual parts. Thus, making it easier for machines to detect & analyze images.

Image segmentation has applications in fields like facial recognition, medical image processing, traffic control systems